Sometimes in life you have got to be brave, you have to stand up and say I’m not taking this no more, I’m not going to be put down over and over again and have to listen to the same people not valuing me or what I have to say.

Be brave and leave the job you don’t like or leave the toxic relationship you are currently in. If you stay in these environments you are playing small, you are not being through to yourself and you are wasting your life and your energy. I, myself took that brave step back in 2019 and scaled back my flourishing company because I knew there was something else out there that God wanted me to do.

Thankfully I trusted that voice that kept reminding me you have to help and coach people to a better future. I planted a seed and promised myself that I would do whatever it takes to be the best coach and best version of myself in the future of helping people.

So start building yourself up, invest in a coach and if needs be start by buying a superman cape at the local store and stand in front of the mirror saying I can and I will fly high in the sky just like the way I believed when I was a child.

Be brave and start following your heart and your gut instinct because they are your through North Star that is guiding you along your journey.

There is a great quote by Mandy Hale “Never forget that walking away from something unhealthy is brave even if you stumble a little on your way out.”

Like the quote above says stumble on your way out of whatever situation you are in because standing tall, letting your voice be heard and saying YES to a better life is liberating and you will never look back.

We get one shot at life, BE BRAVE and take that first step.