Good decisions are not made by those who are running on empty (read that first line again). Burnout is increasingly an issue among workers today. The fast-paced nature of the workplace, coupled with the expectation of constant availability, can make employees feel overwhelmed and stressed.

The question is are we going to do something about it? Or are we going to keep burying the head in the sand. The human body, mind and soul is an incredible work of art, taking us from A to B, figuring out complex ideas and doing things now, that were unachievable and unimaginable from years gone by.

Yes, it’s good to push the body and mind so we move outside our comfort zone but we have to see ourselves like an elite athlete where there is downtime, rest, sleep and time where we can slow the mind down. Like anything in life if you keep putting enough strain on something it will eventually break.

After years of pushing hard, I saw the effects of burnout myself. I had little energy, little motivation and little joy and happiness but thankfully at this stage change did happen for me. It’s just unfortunate that we have to reach this stage before we stop taking our bodies for granted and appreciate the true gift we have been given.

Good intentions aren’t enough to create meaningful change. You have to be religious in keeping the small promises you make with yourself regarding your physical and mental well-being otherwise it’s a vicious circle of being overwhelmed, stressed and constantly tired. The daily promises you make with yourself will keep this human work of art in pristine condition and the results you will receive will be amazing.

Being rootless at times is the key for your wellbeing, saying ‘No’  to thing’s and people that give you no energy and saying ‘Yes’ to good food, rest, fun and joyful journeys is the key.

Always remember taking care of yourself doesn’t mean me first, it means me too.