We all love to win be it a race, a match, a tournament, in business, a goal or even a board game we want to win. There is a great euphoric feeling when you become the person the team that has gone through all the hard work, the pain, the failures, the tears, the long hours to reach the goal. How many times have you failed over and over but got up each and every time to become a better you, a winning you.

Babies are winners, how many times do they fall down and get up again when trying to walk. They don’t give out, ok there might be a few tears and a sore bum at times, but time and time again they arise in the pursuit of walking.

You have to ask the question are you interested or are you committed to winning. If you’re interested you will give it a fair good attempt but if you’re committed to winning you will do whatever it takes. You will find a way to improve everything by small margins that will give you the advantage over the competition.

This is the difference between good and great, to be a great winner you and your team have to come together as one, everything is ‘WE’ not ‘I’ because I alone will only get you so far. ‘WE’ as a whole is a growth mind-set and when used daily in sport or business will move mountains.

When you are the driver of the bus for winners you have to choose wisely who you want to be on the bus with you. Sometimes a person can be very talented but is very much a ‘me’ and not a ‘we’ this person will only send a rot through whole place and much be asked to get his or her act together or leave.

I am currently coaching a golf team where one individual was acting up and was sending that rot through the team. I dropped him from the top pairing and moved him down the pecking order to see how he would react. I got him to look me in the eye and I said be the leader and the golfer I know you can be. To say the man changed was an understatement. He quickly returned to the top pairing, more fucused and a fire in his belly.


6 ways to develop a winning mind-set

Trust your vision

Build a great team of people around you

Feed your mind with the right story

Build your grit

Generate momentum with small steps

Take action

Out work your oposition and come match day you know you are more prepared, mentally and physically. The ones that prepare properly normally win. As Vince Lombardi said “Winners never quit, and quitters never win.”