We all look around the world and see great leaders in business and sport but sometimes we (can) struggle to bring the best leader out in ourselves. We all have a great leader inside, but sometimes we need a little help in teasing that person out.

By building trust, empathy, compassion, kindness and strength with your team you create a safe environment in which they can share their experiences with you as their leader. Once people feel they have a voice, they feel more appreciated, more valued, and this in turn will lead to a more driven team and better output.

As you work with fellow leaders in business and sport, a vision for the future will be brought to life and with initiative and drive everyone will march forward as one to achieve the goals. When everyone feels a part of the team and understands the vision, then the business will thrive. New leaders will be born and people that were once lost, hiding inside their shells will flourish under the new leadership guidance.

It can be relentless at times as a leader, your head can be fit to explode and at times burnout is staring at you in the eyes. That’s why it’s imperative that you look after your physical and mental wellbeing. Time in nature where you can recharge, refocus and calm the mind down is critical in this fast paced world. In nature you are away from the screens, your body has time to rebalance and the answers you are looking for will come to life.

Have you ever noticed when you are in nature you feel more joy better positivity, more calm, less anxious  which in turn will lead to better creativity and output when you return to the office. As we ‘walk- and- talk’ in nature you can explore your future, a future that has no limits, no bars, only past dreams that are brought to life.

When colleagues see a leader who puts mental and physical wellbeing as a priority it gives great initiate to follow suit. When they see a leader with passion, with drive, a leader who (can) empower people, an authentic leader with a strong work ethos, a leader who leads from the front, people will embrace his vision and March forward as one. A United Team. We all want the best for our businesses, putting the time and effort into rebuilding as a team in nature will make a good team a great team.