Each day is an opportunity to be the best version of you, to start afresh and see it as a new beginning to embrace life’s events with strength, joy and courage. Our potential is unlimited if only we choose to believe we can be greatness beyond our wildest dreams.
The best you, will not only ignite your inner power but you will also fire up and motivate the many people you encounter each day. When you can make a profound difference in someone else’s life you will not only feel magnificent, you will feel empowered and you will want to do it again and again. It’s a gift from god that we can all tap into.
You have to want it and be willing to get up when everyone else is asleep. You have to start with a great morning routine, a foundation that you can build on throughout your day. You have to read the books, listen to the podcasts and waste no time on people who hold you back. You have to fuel and treat your body with the utmost respect.
It’s a slog at times but what awaits you is the magnificent harvest you looked after and tended to over the many years. You will be part of a very small percentage of people who became the best they could be.
Don’t rest now, keep rising above the storm, keep believing the best you is not far off and keep showing up for the compound effect reaps the rewards. ‘I can’ and ‘I will’ achieve the best version of me once I surround myself with great people.
You’re not as far away from your dreams as you think you are. Keep believing in yourself and quickly find a solution to an obstacle when needed. Visualize your best self and follow that vision to precision. Set your goals from where you are now and take the action that will get you there.
The best version of you is doing something you love each day. How many people are resisting being true to themselves due to the crippling effect of fear, change and future worry? Your dreams and visions that have been hidden for years are to be brought to light because regret of not doing it can eat at you for the rest of your life.
No more regrets, no more playing small. Put your shoulders back, raise your head up high and go after the best version of you.