Now that we are nearing the end of January, are you getting a bit worked up or feeling stressed that the month is nearly gone, and the goals which were put in place at the start of the month have gone by the wayside. If we look to Mother Nature and the wild animals throughout January they are still at rest. It’s from February onwards (springtime) they start to kick into action and start hitting the goals for the year ahead.

Revisit your goal list and prioritise what exactly you want to achieve for the rest of the year. Also at this stage breaking down the goals into small, achievable pieces is much easier than seeing the end goal as being insurmountable. It’s a bit like climbing a mountain we take one step a time and eventually we conquer it.

Having a coach or a close friend to keep yourself accountable is also really helpful to keep you on track, and weekly check-ins are a must to keep procrastination at bay. Start a vision board where you put images of the goals you want down on paper and visualise yourself becoming the person that is going to achieve the goals. The vision might be you standing in the new suit after dropping a few stone or winning the Captains prize at your local golf course.

Take action, draw a line in the sand or change the page in your life story and start now. It’s going to be hard at times but keep believing that you can do it, and by turning up each day with a positive mind frame you’re well on your way. And if all else fails have the mind-set of an Ant for an Ant never gives up.