Are you building yourself up, or are you cutting yourself down? Often we can go about our days unaware of the way we speak to ourselves, we put ourselves down over and over again throughout the day and we wonder why or confidence or our energy is so low.

If you thing about it for a minute if you speak to a child by constantly putting them down they will eventually be a shadow of what they once were. The same can be said for a dog keep putting them down and eventually they will feel worthless.

We look at the mirror and give out about the way the clothes look on us, the way our hair looks, or giving out about the way our bodies look, we call ourselves stupid and berate ourselves when we do something wrong. This can very often carry on into our sporting activities also and we wonder why we aren’t improving. When you keep reminding ourselves how bad we are at something chances are we will be exactly that.

These are all things we wouldn’t say to a friend but we have no problem saying it to our-selves. Our sub-conscious mind is always listening and we run 95% of the time from this part of the mind. This being the case we are running on a vicious cycle of putting ourselves down that must be changed for furure improvement.

I had a client and on our very first session I listened as I asked some questions, the way he spoke and particularly about himself at times was hard to listen to and upsetting to say the least. He was totally unaware of the way he spoke to himself and deep down his self-confidence was fragile. Over the following sessions we worked on this and learning awareness of self-talk was key and changing the bad habits to the new empowering ones started to pay off.

How to become self-aware?

Start listening to yourself, be present, get out of the outomatic reponce to yourself and catch yourself out just before you say something unkind. As you start to do this over and over you start to brake the habit. We are all running on habits and it’s becoming aware of the bad ones is important.

Now that you have the awareness start looking in the mirror and empower yourself by saying I look amazing, I feel amazing, and today is going to be a great day (fake it to make it if you have to) your mind doesn’t know the difference between right or wrong.

Throughout your day just be mindful of your self-talk, keep it positive and like money compounding over the years this will have the same effect. Your self-talk is so important to a better future, a better you and if in doubt about what you are about to say to yourself always ask the question would I say this to my best friend. Build yourself up, speak kindly to yourself and change your habits that will bring out the best in you.